I'm running Pro Tools as admin, I've tried trashing prefs, restarting windows and restarting my audio/midi-interface. I didn't update any software, any drivers or change my system in any way in the last couple days (as far as I can recall). Also, I have no idea why it suddenly started happening yesterday. I am really kind of clueless as to why this is happening. While Pro Tools is open and receiving no midi input, I can open other DAWs and they will work just fine and receive midi input. Both devices stop working then and they stop working across all sessions (until I restart Pro Tools). Sometimes after seconds, sometimes after 20 minutes. So now, every time I open Pro Tools I only have a short time to use midi until it just randomly stops working. Until suddenly, while playing and without me changing anything at all, it stopped working again. So I restarted Pro Tools and it worked again! But only for a short time. Up until yesterday midi has been working perfectly fine for me, but yesterday I suddenly had no midi input while working in Pro Tools from both my midi-devices (A Roland TD-4 e-drumset and a Studiologic SL88Grand midi-keyboard). I've got a problem with my midi input devices in Pro Tools 12.7.1 on Windows 10.