To recap, when you choose a spec you will be presented with a row of three Affinity talents to choose from consisting of the other three Druid specs. I’m excited for the new Affinity talents for a number of reasons. What does this mean for the Druid class? Let’s dig in. In addition, Druids are finally getting a well thought-out way to shift into one of their other forms mid-battle and still be effective in the form of Affinity talents. Cat and Tree Druids are getting small tweaks, Bears are moving away from dodge to get closer to their class fantasy, and Moonkin are finally losing the dreaded Eclipse mechanic. The Legion Druid class preview has dropped and confirmed a number of things we learned earlier in the week at the BlizzCon Darkmoon Faire class session. We’re still working on hiring permanent Druid columnists.

I feel a little anxious if my order resources drop below 30k on anyone, just because I like to do missions from my phone at work and don’t want to run out.Welcome to Shifting Perspectives, Blizzard Watch’s (semi-)regular column for druids of all specs. It’s not much but I sure do love free gold, lol. I set up all my characters’ combat allies to give me 30 gold and 100 resources for every world quest I do. Pray you get the good one that gives you 10 gold AND 100 resources for every WQ. Both are legendary ones from the Broken Shore command center, but they are free when the building offers them. I know death knight does for sure) and have a combat ally with you with the +100 bonus resources armaments. It’s super easy to get 5k+ resources in half an hour, just gotta enjoy repetition 😉ģ) choose the “world quests give bonus resources” on your class hall talent tree (not all classes have this, but many do. There is always at least one WQ in Antorus or Mac’Aree that offers 1,000 or close to it. Don’t forget to collect all the pets, mounts, and toys that come in those paragon boxes!Ģ) finish the Argus questline on every character and then focus on the world quests there that offer resources. I’m pretty sure every paragon box I’ve ever opened in Legion has given me 700+ resources along with other stuff. Also, emissary boxes and paragon boxes can give resources. I have mine set to have quests offering resources at the top so I can see which offer the most and are thus worth my time. The best way to stock up on order resources is:ġ) I’m sure you have it already, but the very popular World Quest addon groups all of the Legion world quests in whatever order you like. Missed out on every single Mage Tower artifact skin and want to kick myself for it. I didn’t get to do any of those gold missions T_T I left WoW during the last patch of WoD and didn’t touch Legion until BFA was nearly out.