Once this was done, I was sitting on just over 7000 dinars.

The first quest I accepted was from King Ragnar himself, to collect taxes from his city. The real killer was archery, as I was doing next to no damage and that was after missing most of my shots. I also participated in a tournament, but with my character being so fresh, I only advanced a few rounds before getting knocked out. Finally, I made a rough plan on which companions I want to keep around, and how exactly the various party-based skills are going to be spread around.Īfter completing the starting merchant quest line, I went around for a bit collecting recruits from the local villages. I decided not to start as a noble, just to see what the journey is like to get to that status. I also like the idea of an army full of Viking-like melee units. I decided to start in Nord lands, since they are in the top-left corner of the map and are more protected than right-in-the-middle Swadia. Plus with the few mods I’ve installed, I feel like a fresh start is the way to go. I’m still clueless on how things work once you really rise in power, but I’m comfortable enough with the beginning and middle to feel like I’m not going to totally screw myself over. I never finished my initial game (130 in-game days played), but I did experience enough that I feel like a second go-around will be different enough to make it worthwhile. Feel free to suggest how to improve on this, or what you might like to read. I’ll give it a shot, and if it’s not working out, I’ll stop. M&B:W though is a single-player sandbox, so now what? Bet you won’t believe how my Dragon Age/Onyxia game ended! Whelps for you as well? Hmmm.

On the other hand, maybe it would make for some boring blogging? I mean in-game stories about MMOs (especially the “I’m not in Empire anymore” sandbox ones) are one thing they are virtual worlds and unexpected and interesting stuff (hopefully) happens, but single-player games are different. Part of me thinks it would be interesting, and also a good way to cover what I like about the game without doing a ten page ‘review’ post. I’m debating whether to keep a running blog account of my Mount and Blade game.